everlasting life bible verse meaning
Clarkes Commentary Bridgeway Bible Commentary Coffmans. So in this he gives a reason why he did not call these persons by his Gospel who were settled upon the old principle of self-righteousness but sinners whom he renews by his Spirit.
For I know the thoughts that I think towards you saith the Lord The purposes and resolutions of his heart concerning their welfare particularly the restoration of them to their own land.

. It is of frequent use in this Gospel seventeen times and always used in reference to life. - And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt. They were remembered by him and continued with him as the thoughts of his heart are to all generations.
New American Standard Version. Neither do men put new wine into old bottles As in the former parable our Lord exposes the folly of the Scribes and Pharisees in their zealous attachment to the traditions of the elders. Everlasting life--Better as the same Greek word is rendered in the previous verse eternal life.
Therefore I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship. Verse-by-Verse Bible Commentary Romans 121. And so would not.
These were within him and known to him and him only. The Septuagint rendering is And many that sleep in the breadth πλάτει of the earth shall arise some to life eternal and some to reproach some to dispersion διασπορὰν and eternal shame. Bible Verse of the Day John 316 - Verse Meaning - For God So Loved the World For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
For the meaning of this word see Note on Matthew 2546.
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